Last year I didn't really think about too many goals, I wanted to be more healthy as 2011 was a tough year for my health, but unfortunately it continued over to 2012. I'm glad to say that the last 6 months, my health (the pain factor) has improved quite a bit, so I'm really thankful.
This year, I think the overall big theme will be creativity. This has been lacking a lot in my life for the past few years. Really, ever since my last 365 project. A bit after my 365 project, I fell into a deep depression that lingered for the longest time. I'm no stranger to depression though, so I was used to it but it's always a challenge to be in a depressed state, while in a relationship and not have it suffer (too much) because of it. Anyway, during that time, I had no drive to create anything and then my health took a nosedive and whenever I felt like being creative, most of the things I liked to do would leave me in pain so I felt super discouraged.
This year I want to be more creative again and to rediscover some things I've not done for a long while. On top of that, I want to continue improving my health in various ways. These two are my biggest goals, but I love lists, so I'm making a list!
- Do yoga weekly with my Yoga PAH! dvd.
- Weekly photo walks. Finally slow down enough to get to know what surrounds me.
- Get my bike fixed up in time for Spring.
- Eat food more in tune with my beliefs (local & ethical).
- Drink more water. I'm terrible at this, I don't know why but gee, if my body is falling apart - maybe this is something I should prioritize.
- Garden more (this is really good for my soul).
- Make more of an effort to connect with my friends. I'll always be a loner and solitary time is extremely important to me but I need to remember that seeing friends also makes me feel good.
- Practice patience. I can be a bit short-tempered (my poor partner) and flip out when I'm feeling rushed or something isn't going the way I want it to and I let myself become all flustered and frustrated instead of just taking a few minutes to breathe and let it go.
- Start a sewing project (more about that soon!).
- Start a 365 photography project (see my previous post about this!)
- Learn more about natural dyes (mushrooms!).
- Learn how to spin with my spinning wheel. I have a traditional Ashford, which I haven't used before (the one I used before was some mysterious spinning wheel that was actually meant to be a prop) and feel intimidated by it. It's time to get over that.
- Set up a weekly cleaning system with my partner. We're okay at maintaining our home most of the time but we could improve a lot.
- Continue to let go of stuff, in preparation for moving into a new home.
- Continue exploring canning & preserving with my partner.
- Cook one new recipe per month from this book I got Maya last year.
- Read 25 books. I always think this is so doable but then realize I didn't read nearly enough so maybe establishing a goal of 25 books will help. Also, I'd like to focus mostly on books that already exist on my bookshelf instead of buying more books!
This is a great detailed goal list for the year!
ReplyDeleteI made the goal to read a certain number of books last year. If you sign up on goodreads.com they have this nifty yearly goal book counter, which tells you if you are on target for the number of books you've read/how many you are behind or ahead, and I found that fairly helpful to keep things in my mind and such. Or another option my friend used was a pinterest board for her books read in 2012.
I like trying to make cooking goals like that! It's such a great way to come up with new meals.
I used to take a lot of photo walks but haven't in a while. This is something I've been thinking I should get back into lately.
Good luck with your goals, happy 2013!
That's cool about goodreads.com. I'll check it out, thanks so much for mentioning that! I still haven't started a book yet, eek! Better get on it now. Last year, I kept track of my books by starting a folder on facebook, it worked out well. But I like the idea of being more organized about it.
DeleteDo you have any 2013 goals? Happy new year!